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User Config Files and .Bashrc

Where are your configuration files?

At the base of your home directory, there are often several configuration files that are unique to your account. Some of them includes .bashrc, .condarc and even .vimrc. However, these files are hidden because of the '.' at the start. You can list all your files, including hidden files with,

ls -a

What is .bashrc

".bashrc" loads your user environment when you first login to the HPC. It contains your aliases, exports, and may even automatically load conda for you. If you want to create an environment variable that will allways be set when you login, just add the following to your .bashrc file.

export (Name of Variable)=(Variable Value)

To add an alias, just add

alias (aliasname)=(command>)

If you don't add these lines to your .bashrc file, your exports and aliases will be gone the next time you login to the HPC. There are a lot of other config files that you may edit, and many more ways to edit your ".bashrc" file, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial.